front-end developer

jefferson silva quinto

Front-end developer with +2 experience in creating and maintaining interactive and efficient web interfaces. Experienced in user interface design and website performance optimization.


I'm Jefferson. A front-end developer, maker and problem solver.

Front-end developer with 2 years of experience in the creation and maintenance of interactive and efficient web interfaces. I have a strong knowledge of programming languages as well as experience in user interface design and website performance optimization. My goal is to use my technical skills to create efficient and attractive web solutions that meet the needs of users.

I studied software and systems, and obtained a scholarship from Oracle and Alura with which I was able to specialize in front-end development. I have strong knowledge in html, css, javascript, react.js, java, python and c++ and on the development tools side I use visual studio code, github, git, netbeans and figma.

about me

My Works

These are my projects done during my career as a front-end developer, you can see the code of each project in the github link and you can also visit page my websites.



Restaurant where you can learn more about them and the different dishes they prepare. It is developed with html, css, react.js and the slider library fully responsive.


La Perla

Restaurant where you can learn about the different dishes they prepare and also get to know the place and the events they organize. It is developed with react provider, useContext and react router dom.



Ecommerce selling clothing for women, men and children. It is developed with react provider, localStorage, react router dom.



Law firm where you can meet the different specialties and the team of lawyers. It is developed with html, css and javascript.

Contact Me

Need a beautiful, well-structured website that meets all your expectations? do not hesitate to contact me, I will answer you as soon as possible.

Send me a message
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